Monthly Tax Update – September 2025

$80.00 Excl. GST

SKU: MTU202509 Category:


The Monthly Tax Update webinars keep you informed and at the forefront of your profession. 

With new key cases, ATO rulings and tax legislation being introduced every month, the tax landscape is changing at a rapid place. Institute of Financial Professionals Australia understands how difficult it is to keep up with the constant change, which is necessary to provide your clients with up-to-date and relevant information.

Presented by tax experts in a practical and easy-to-understand language, the Monthly Tax Update webinars are suitable for every tax practitioner and professional, giving you essential information to better service your clients and grow your business, while also earning CPD points to comply with TPB requirements.

Topics Covered:

  • Critical “watch” points taken from legislation, case law and ATO rulings
  • Summaries of pending and enacted legislation, with expert commentary
  • The practical implications of the latest court and tribunal decisions, and ATO rulings, interpretations and guidance.


$50 (members) | $80 (non- members)

TPB CPD Hours:1 hour


Pre-order the recording now and you can access it the second week of every month. 


Presented by: Ken Mansell

Ken currently works in a part-time capacity for both the Australian and Solomon Island government on tax policy and provides tax and super education for a series of organisations. He has previously worked on the secretariat of the Henry Review and in the off

ice of the Assistant Treasurer as a tax advisor. Ken has also worked in the tax division for both KPMG and Deloitte, as a tax trainer and tax specialist for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and as the head of taxation for the Seven Network Limited group and Raytheon Australia. Further, he has worked as a legal researcher in both commercial and academic role.