About Us
We are the association of choice for all tax, superannuation, and financial advice professionals, particularly those in the SME sector.
The tax, accounting, superannuation, and financial advice profession is undergoing rapid change, and our mission is to support this sector into the future, recognising the increasing convergence of services.
The Institute of Financial Professionals Australia is a not-for-profit membership association (originally known as Taxpayers Australia, then Tax & Super Australia) and has been serving members for over 100 years.
In 2022 our association broadened its membership base to include professionals from the tax, accounting, superannuation and financial planning sectors, allowing us to widen the field of financial professionals who we assist, educate and advocate for. IFPA also provides professionals with a community where they can develop trusted relationships with other companies and individuals through events and partnerships.
We offer practical support, relevant CPE programs, advice and real-world solutions, and importantly, we support and advocate on members’ behalf – specifically for the small to medium practices within the industry.
A larger membership base will enable a stronger advocacy presence at a time when red tape and legislative changes are increasing.
Whilst other associations are focusing on broad political agendas; consumers, product providers and larger corporate practices, we provide relevant information, CPE options and a strong support network for the independent practitioner in one trusted place.
Our History
In November 2022, Tax & Super Australia rebranded to the Institute of Financial Professionals Australia.
Established in 1919, it has evolved to meet the challenges of Australia’s tax, superannuation and financial services system, and we remain at the forefront of supporting professionals.
Our new logo and branding take its inspiration from our original 1919 Taxpayers Australia logo, using the illustration of St. George and the Dragon as a feature image. It then continues the heritage connection by using the knight as depicted in our most recent name, Tax & Super Australia.
The new logo also recognises St George and the Dragon by depicting a shield. This represents our role as advocate heading into battle on behalf of our members. We wanted to weave our heritage throughout the new brand, while modernizing it for a new generation of members.
Our Team
At the heart of the Institute of Financial Professionals Australia is a team of dedicated professionals, each bringing a unique blend of expertise and experience. Every team member has made an individual commitment to advancing the tax, superannuation and financial services industry.
Ky Wilson
Acting General Manager
Natasha Panagis
Head of Superannuation & Financial Services
Technical Services
Kirk Wilson
Tax Specialist
Frank Drenth
Tax Specialist
Stuart Sheary
Senior Technical
Services Specialist
Gabi Rusu
Superannuation Specialist
Membership Services
Cindy West
Senior Membership &
Events Coordinator
Belinda Rudnew
Membership Services Officer
Nick Taylor
Membership Services Officer
Marketing & Communications
Leonnie Gleeson
Publishing & Marketing Officer
Keri-Ann Alweyn
Marketing Coordinator
Finance & Administration
Sophia Sampurna
Whittle & Associates Chartered Accountants