The End of the Contractor / Employee Question (webinar recording)

$132.00 Excl. GST

SKU: EC202411R Categories: ,


In a recent Decision Impact Statement on the JMC case, the Commissioner has provided clarity on how to address contractor versus employee questions. Join us to explore how these rulings can help end the long-standing debate.


In this session, we will delve into:


  • Decision Impact StatementJMC Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2023] FCAFC 76: Understanding the key takeaways and implications of this ruling.
  • Decision Impact StatementJamsek v ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd (No 3) [2023] FCAFC 48: Insights into how this decision influences contractor and employee classifications.
  • S&H Investments Pty Ltd v the Commissioner [2024] AATA 893: Examination of the AAT’s decision affirming the Commissioner’s assessment of the superannuation guarantee charge for employee/contractors.


This webinar is crucial for professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of contractor versus employee classifications and ensure compliance with the latest ATO guidelines.


Register now to secure your place!


$99+GST (members) | $132+GST (non- members)

TPB CPD Hours:1 hour |  Legislated CPD Hours: To be confirmed



Presented by:
Ken Mansell

Ken currently works in a part-time capacity for both the Australian and Solomon Island government on tax policy and provides tax and super education for a series of organisations. He has previously worked on the secretariat of the Henry Review and in the office of the Assistant Treasurer as a tax advisor. Ken has also worked in the tax division for both KPMG and Deloitte, as a tax trainer and tax specialist for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and as the head of taxation for the Seven Network Limited group and Raytheon Australia. Further, he has worked as a legal researcher in both commercial and academic role.