Payroll Tax Masterclass – 3 Part Series Non-Member

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Payroll tax generally applies to businesses whose total Australian group wages exceeds the tax-free threshold of a particular state/territory where they employ.

These topics provide a thorough overview of the administration associated with payroll tax and are suited for accountants, solicitors, tax agents, bookkeepers, payroll managers, payroll clerks, CFOs, and directors. Case Studies and examples are utilised where necessary to enhance learning.



Part 1: Payroll tax masterclass 1 – Liable and exempt wages

State Revenue payroll tax audits are on the rise, utilising sophisticated data-matching tools to target businesses. More than ever has it become important to make sure you are returning your payroll tax correctly as severe interest and penalties are being imposed for getting it wrong.

This topic caters for both new or experienced payroll tax practitioners and provides an overview of national rates and thresholds, what’s liable or exempt, and how to determine where a worker’s wages are taxable. After attending, you should feel more confident in calculating and remitting your payroll tax. Case studies and examples will be provided to help you gain a more practical look at how to get payroll tax right.


Learning Outcomes – Knowledge and understanding of:


  • Administration and calculation of payroll tax
  • How thresholds work and rates apply for all jurisdictions
  • Where a worker’s wages are taxable (Nexus). Considering what happens when work is performed in and/or outside of Australia
  • Wages that are liable or exempt
  • Rebates on offer
  • Interest and penalty tax regimes
  • Your rights as a taxpayer




Part 2: Payroll tax masterclass 2: Contractor payments 

An error consistently made by businesses is that they automatically exclude contractors from their calculation of payroll tax without the right substantiation. Many contractors have been found to be deemed employees or even employees at common law during State Revenue audits.

This topic focuses on the liability of contractor payments and considers the various grounds for exclusion where an exemption may apply and what records you can use to prove it. Case studies and examples will be provided to help you gain a more practical understanding of how the payroll tax contractor provisions operate.

Learning Outcomes – Knowledge and understanding of:


  • State Revenue offices’ approach to contractor payments
  • Types of contractors and their classification
  • Employee vs contractor analysis
  • Contractor exemptions
  • Substantiation and record keeping
  • The treatment of GST
  • Industry-based percentage deductions
  • Employment agency provisions – What’s the difference?
  • Assistance available



Part 3: Payroll tax masterclass 3 – Grouping of businesses and exclusions

When businesses are discovered to be grouped for payroll tax during a State Revenue audit it can result as one of the costliest mistakes made. State Revenue Offices use sophisticated data-matching tools and their agreements with other government agencies to detect business groupings.

This topic focuses on what constitutes a group for payroll tax purposes, the administration issues involved and the situations that can lead to an exclusion being approved. Case studies and examples will be provided to help you gain a more practical understanding of how the payroll tax grouping provisions operate and the key attributes to identify them.


Learning Outcomes – Knowledge and understanding of:


  • What’s the purpose and effect of the payroll tax grouping provisions
  • What’s joint and several liability
  • Grouping administration, calculation and lodgement
  • The various mechanisms of what constitutes a group
  • The Commissioner of State Revenue’s discretion to exclude group members and a look at some relevant case studies.

Recorded on June 2023
Presented by Andrew Fricot

: 6 hours
Legislated CPD Hours: 6 hours in technical competence