The Joint Bodies, including the Institute of Financial Professionals Australia, have raised concerns over the limited consultation on the recent Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024. The changes, which introduce eight new obligations for registered tax and BAS agents, were implemented without sufficient engagement with key industry associations.
The Joint Bodies dispute the claim by the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services that ongoing consultation occurred throughout the development of the Code. They assert that no further engagement happened after January 2024, despite the Determination being registered on 2 July 2024.
Matthew Addison, Co-Chair of the TPB’s Tax Practitioner Governance and Standards Forum and Executive Director of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, described the changes as “sweeping, disproportionate to legitimate concerns of misconduct, and have left practitioners uncertain, confused and overwhelmed about their new obligations.”
While supporting the policy’s intent to enhance community confidence in the tax profession, the Joint Bodies have serious reservations about the overreach of certain obligations and the lack of adequate guidance. They are advocating for the withdrawal and deferral of the Determination to allow for further consultation with key stakeholders.